Saturday July 27

7:30-9:30 am “Tabata This!” Tabata RowRest 1 minuteTabata SquatRest 1 minuteTabata Pull-upRest 1 minuteTabata Push-upRest 1 minuteTabata Sit-up The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of

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Friday July 26

6:30-9 an 95/135 pound Squat clean, 15 reps20 Toes to bar20 Box jump, 16/20 inch box15 pull-ups40 pound dumbbell Push press / push jerk, 20

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Thursday July 25

6:30-9 am Max rounds and reps in eight minutes of:4 Handstand push-ups25/35 lb Kettlebell swing, 8 reps8 GHD situps Scale: hs sub, hollow rocks or

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Monday July 22

6:30-9 am For time:50 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound25 L Pull-ups40 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound20 L Pull-ups30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound15 L Pull-ups20

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Friday July 19

6:30-9 am “Stephen” 30-25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds of:GHD sit-upBack extensionKnees to elbow95 pound Stiff legged deadlift Scale: abmat situps, Superman’s, 1/2 rep hollow holds, weight

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Wednesday July 17

6:30-9 am 18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:75-115 pound Sumo deadlift high-pullLift in a toes to bar or post and lower as slowly as possible Scale: weight,

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Tuesday July 16

6:30-9 am “Griff” For time:Run 800 metersRun 400 meters backwardsRun 800 metersRun 400 meters backwards Scale: 1/2 distance, can walk backwards rather than run!

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Monday July 15

6:30-9 am Five rounds for time of:95/135 pound Thruster, 5 reps5 scaled Muscle-upsRun 400m Scale: mu’s – 12 dips, 12 pushups3 rounds

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Friday July 12

6:30-9 am Seven rounds for time of:45/65 pound Power snatch, 7 reps45/65 pound Snatch balance, 7 reps45/65 pound Overhead squat, 7 reps

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Monday July 8

6:30-9 am For time:95/135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps35 Pull-ups95/135 pound Deadift, 12 reps30 Pull-ups95/135 pound Deadlift, 9 reps25 Pull-ups95/135 pound Deadlift, 6 reps20 Pull-ups95/135 pound

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Saturday July 6

7:30-9:30 am Three rounds for time of:35 Double-unders35 Back extensions Scale: du attempts count, 2:1 singles, Superman’s

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Friday July 5

6:30-9 am 3 Rounds for time of:65/95 pound Clean and jerk, 10 reps15 GHD situps Scale: split ghd’s w abmat, trainer will recommend, weight

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Thursday July 4

6:30-9 am 4 rounds17 overhead walking lunges 25/45 lbs7 ring dips6 thrusters 65/95 lbs Scale: banded dips or 2:1 bench, 45/65

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Wednesday July 3

6:30-9 am For time:75 Burpee pull-ups Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach. Scale: plank or elevated hands w jump and touch

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Monday July 1

6:30-9 am “Fight Gone Bad!” Three rounds of:Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)Push-press, 75

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Saturday June 29

7:30-9:30 am With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in

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Friday June 28

6:30-9 am Three rounds for time of:Walk on hands, 50 feetHold handstand against wall for 1 minute12 Handstand push-ups Scale: Bear crawl, db press hold,

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Friday June 21

6:30-9 am Five rounds for time of:35 Wall-ball shots with 14/20-pound ball to eight/ten-foot target20 Pull-ups Scale: 3 rounds, movement

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Wednesday June 19

6:30-9 am Three rounds for time of:12 scaled Muscle-ups50 Squats Scale: for mu’s – 3 sets of 5 dips & strict pull-ups, 35 squats

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Tuesday June 18

6:30-9 am “Barbara” Five rounds, each for time of:20 Pull-ups30 Push-ups40 Sit-ups50 Squats Rest precisely three minutes between each round. Scale: 3 rounds

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Monday June 17

6:30-9 am “Cindy”Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:5 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Squats OR “Mary”Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as

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Saturday June 15

6:30-9 am For time:Row 1,000 meters30 bench presses, ¾ body weightRow 1,000 meters20 bench pressesRow 1,000 meters10 bench presses Scale:For time:Row 700 meters20 bench pressesRow

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Friday June 14

6:30-9 am For time:1,000 weighted step-ups ♀ 20-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups♂ 30-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-upsNo

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Thursday June 13

6:30-9 am 25 rounds for time of:5 wall-ball shots3 handstand push-ups1 power clean ♀ 14-lb ball, 125-lb clean♂ 20-lb ball, 185-lb clean Scale:10 rounds for

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Wednesday June 12

6:30-9 am For time:600-m run50 hanging knee raises30 front squats10 rope climbs, lying to standing600-m run ♀ 35-lb barbell♂ 45-lb barbell Scale: volume

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Monday June 10

6:30-9 am Fran21-15-9 reps for time of: ThrustersPull-ups ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb Scaling:This benchmark is intended to be a sprint. Experienced athletes should

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Saturday June 8

7:30-9:30 am For time:21-15-9Box jumps12-9-6Clean and jerks ♀ 20-in box, 95-lb clean and jerks♂ 24-in box, 135-lb clean and jerks Scale:For time:20-16-10Box step-ups12-9-6Clean and jerks

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Friday June 7

6:30-9 am 4 rounds for time:15 GHD hip extensions20 toes-to-bars Scale:3 rounds for time:10 GHD hip extensions25 sit-ups

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Thursday June 6

6:30-9 am 5 rounds for time:500-meter row15 dumbbell shoulder presses30 walking lunge steps ♀ 20-lb DBs ♂ 30-lb DBs Scale:4 rounds for time:250-meter row10 dumbbell

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Wednesday June 5

6:30-9 am Hang clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps Then,Complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of:Hang cleans at 80% of your heaviest set.

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Tuesday June 4

6:30-9 am 3 rounds for time of:25 kettlebell swings15 handstand push-ups ♀ 20 kg ♂ 24 kg Scale:3 rounds for time of:15 kettlebell swings15 pike

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Monday June 3

6:30-9 am For reps:1:00 rope climbs, lying to standing1:00 dumbbell squat snatches, alternating2:00 rope climbs2:00 dumbbell squat snatches, alternating3:00 rope climbs3:00 dumbbell squat snatches, alternating

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Saturday June 1

7:30-9:30 am 5 rounds for time of:400-meter run40 double-unders12 burpees Scale:5 rounds for time of:200-meter run50 singles-unders7 burpees

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Friday May 31

6:30-9 am Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:3 front squats3 assisted push-ups6 front squats6 assisted push-ups9 front squats9 assisted push-ups Etc.,

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Thursday May 30

For time:3 rounds of:20-calorie row20 push-upsRest 3:003 rounds of:20-calorie bike15 toes-to-barsRest 3:003 rounds of:30-yard sled push, ♀70 lb♂90 lb5 muscle-ups Beginner option:For time:2 rounds of:20-calorie row10 assisted push-upsRest 3:002 rounds of:20-calorie bike15

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Tuesday May 28

6:30-9 am Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:12 GHD sit-ups5 strict handstand push-ups + 10 kipping handstand push-ups10 power snatches ♀ 85 lb ♂

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Monday May 27

6:30-9 am RX’DFor time:1-mile run100 pull-ups200 push-ups300 air squats1-mile run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body

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Friday May 24

6:30-9 am 6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:ThrustersWeighted pull-upsBurpees-over-bar ♀ 75-lb thrusters, 25-lb pull-ups♂ 115-lb thrusters, 35-lb pull-ups Scale:6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:ThrustersAssisted pull-upsBurpees ♀ 22-lb

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Thursday May 23

6:30-9 am Every minute for 30 minutes, alternate between:Run 200 meters4 box jump-overs + 10 yard plate carry 25/45 lbs6 chest-to-bar pull-ups ♀ 20-in box♂

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Wednesday May 22

6:30-9 am 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:DeadliftsFront squats ♀ 185-lb deadlifts, 125-lb front squats♂ 275-lb deadlifts, 185-lb front squats Scale:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:DeadliftsFront squats

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Tuesday May 21

6:30-9 am For time:5 power cleans20 dumbbell bench presses100 double-unders10 power cleans20 dumbbell bench presses100 double-unders15 power cleans20 dumbbell bench presses100 double-unders ♀ 105-lb cleans,

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Saturday May 18

7:30-9:30 am 4 rounds for time of:Row 500 meters50 double-unders5x [1 wall walk + 1 strict wall-facing handstand push-up to 2 AbMats] Scale:3 rounds for

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Friday May 17

6:30-9 am Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:Run 400 metersMax-reps strict pull-ups + kipping *If you have strict pull-ups, but are

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Thursday May 16

6:30-9 am 21-15-9 reps, for time of:Hang power cleansBurpees At the top of each burpee, make contact with a target that is 3 inches above

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Wednesday May 15

6:30-9 am 5 rounds, not for time of:Accumulate 30 seconds of L sitsAccumulate 1 minute in a handstand hold250-m row Scale: seated leg raises, plank

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Monday May 13

6:30-9 am 7 rounds, 1 minute each, of:3 thrusters60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)Max-reps ring dips Rest 2 minutes between rounds. ♀

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Friday May 10

6:30-9 am On a 20-minute clock:Jog 1 mileThen perform as many rounds as possible of:5 assisted push-ups10 lunges20 sit-ups Scale: reduce volume

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Thursday May 8

6:30-9 am Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:1 rope climb, lying to standing3 front squats3 push presses1 rope climb, lying to

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Wednesday May 8

6:30-9 an Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds, complete:40 double-unders20-calorie bike10 dumbbell snatches ♀ 35-lb DB ♂ 50-lb DB Beginner option:Every 4 minutes for 4

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Tuesday May 7

6:30-9 am Weighted pull-up 5-5-5-5-5 repsBroad jump 3-3-3-3-3 reps Establish a max broad jump during your warm-up. Take a slight distance off of it and

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Monday May 6

6:30-9 am 10 rounds, each for time of:Hill sprint or stairs Find a big hill or set of stairs with a distance/incline that allows for

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Saturday May 4

Practice handstand skills for 15 minutes. Rest. Then, Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:2-4-6-8-10 reps of:Squat cleanWall-facing handstand push-up *Any time you complete

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Friday May 3

6:30-9 am Clean skill workWarm up will be skill development and review.Workout will be performing 2-4 reps at the top of each minute for 20

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Thursday May 2

6:30-9 am Shoulder press 5-5-5 repsPush press 3-3-3 repsPush jerk 1-1-1 reps Attempt to increase the weight after each successful set. After completing the final

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Wednesday May 1

6:30-9 am Nancy5 rounds for time of:Run 400 meters15 overhead squats ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb OR Helen3 rounds for time of:Run 400 meters21

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Tuesday April 30

4 rounds for time of:1,000 m row7 muscle-ups10 deadlifts ♀ 155 lb ♂ 225 lb Scale:3 rounds for time of:750 m row5x: [3 ring rows

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Monday April 29

6:30-9 am Every 2 minutes until the required repetitions cannot be completed in the given time: Run 200 meters5 burpees *Add 2 burpees after each

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Friday April 26

6:30-9 am DTFive rounds for time of:155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps Scale: weight

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Thursday April 25

6:30-9 am For time:50 box jumps50 jumping pull-ups50 kettlebell swings50 walking-lunge steps50 knees-to-elbows50 push presses50 hip extensions50 wall-ball shots50 burpees50 double-unders ♀ 20-inch box, 12-kg

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Monday April 22

6:30-9 am 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:Dumbbell front squatsToes-to-bars *100-meter farmers carry after each round. ♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs Scale:18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time

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Saturday April 20

7:30-9:30 am Fight Gone Bad!3 rounds for max reps of:1 minute of wall-ball shots1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls1 minute of box jumps1 minute

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Thursday April 18

6:30-9 am 3 rounds for time of:35 hip extensions15 strict pull-upsRun 800 meters Scale:3 rounds for time of:25 hip extensions15 ring rowsRun 400 meters

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Wednesday April 17

6:30-9 am Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:1 overhead squat10 burpee box jumps2 overhead squats10 burpee box jumps3 overhead squats10 burpee

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Tuesday April 16

6:30-9 am 10 rounds for time of:200-m run2 ring muscle-ups Scale:5 rounds for time of:200-m run3x: [3 ring rows + 3 jumping ring dips]

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Friday April 12

6:30-9 am 5 rounds for time of:50-foot overhead walking lunge21 burpees ♀ 35-lb barbell ♂ 45-lb barbell Scale: 3 rounds, weight

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Thursday April 11

6:30-9 am 4 rounds for time of:20 box jumps25 kettlebell swings ♀ 20-inch box, 1-pood KB♂ 24-inch box, 1.5-pood KB Scale:3 rounds for time of:15

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Wednesday April 10

Wednesday April 106:30-9 am For time:50 hollow rocks40 dumbbell snatches, alternating30 chest-to-bar pull-ups20 handstand push-ups10 cleans ♀ 25-lb DB, 105-lb cleans♂ 35-lb DB, 165-lb cleans

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Monday April 8

6:30-9 am Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 push jerks, left arm5 push jerks, right arm10 push-ups15-cal. row ♀ 20-lb DB

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Friday April 5

6:30-9 am For time:21-15-9Deadlifts9-7-5Scaled wall walks ♀ 135 lb ♂ 205 lb Scale:For time:21-15-9Deadlifts9-7-5Bear crawls, 5 ft. ♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb

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Thursday April 4

6:30-8:30 am 10 rounds for time of:200-m run2 scaled ring muscle-ups Scale:5 rounds for time of:200-m run3x: [3 ring rows + 3 jumping ring dips]

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