Friday August 4
6:30-9 am 8 roundsEvery 90 seconds25’ hs walkOr30 seconds hs hold Scale:1 min plank hold
6:30-9 am 8 roundsEvery 90 seconds25’ hs walkOr30 seconds hs hold Scale:1 min plank hold
6:30-9 am Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes:18-calorie row12 push-ups6 dumbbell squat snatches, alternating ♀ 25-lb DB ♂ 35-lb DB Scale:Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes:18-calorie row12 assisted push-ups6 dumbbell power snatches + overhead squat, alternating ♀ 10-lb DB ♂ 15-lb DB
Wednesday August 2 Read More »
6:30-9 am For time:10 front squats10 rope climbs, lying to standing10 front squats8 rope climbs, lying to standing10 front squats6 rope climbs, lying to standing10 front squats4 rope climbs, lying to standing10 front squats1 rope climbs, lying to standing ♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb Scale: 1/2 reps of rope climbs, 45/65 lbs
8-9 am 5 80-yard shuttle runsRest as needed between efforts. For each sprint, run 10 yards out, 10 back, 20 out, 20 back, 10 out, 10 back.
6:30-9 am For time:21-15-9-6 reps of:Bike calories or row double15-9-6-3 reps of:Handstand push-ups Scale:15-9-6 reps for time of:Bike calories or row doublePush-ups
6:30-9 am Solo Option:Complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of rest, until you complete:75 wall balls15 muscle-ups15 clean and jerks ♀ 14-lb ball, 105-lb barbell♂ 20-lb ball, 155-lb barbell Team option:Find a partner and complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute, switching every minute, until you
8-9 am Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:5 shoulder-to-overheads10 deadlifts15 box jumps ♀ 45 lb ♂ 65 lb Scale: weight
6:30-9 am 3 rounds, each for time of:5 min time cap each round –Row 800 metersRest 2 minutes Scale:Reduce meters
6:30-9 am Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 chest-to-bar pull-ups10 push-ups15 single-leg squats to a box, alternating *After every 3 rounds, run 400 meters. Scale:Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups10 knee push-ups20 walking lunges *After every 3 rounds, run 400 meters.